GENDER SENSITIVITY COMMERCIAL | On my way… to myself "Look at them by who they are not by what they are"   Group members: Christian Dale Naguit | Reiben Tuquero | Kristine Claire Salmos |Junalyn Gongora | Joshua Yoro | Leona Marie Apolonio  | Mary Rose Tabliga | Nerie Sophia Tadiwan | Princess Edwils Bonita | Mariper Tena 🎶Music Used:  //   "In Partial fulfillment on the … Continue reading GENDER SENSITIVITY COMMERCIAL | On my way… to myself

HomePod | A Home Smart Speaker

Apple’s devices have evolved hugely over the last 15 years or so, changing the brand from the rebooted upstart that gave us the iPod to the consumer tech powerhouse of today. The HomePod takes the name of that iconic portable device, but a decade and a half on we're faced with the same question posed … Continue reading HomePod | A Home Smart Speaker

Image Manipulation | AWAY FROM THE CITY

THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A PLACE WHERE PEACE AND COLORS WILL BE FOUND, WHERE MEMORIES WILL BE MADE AND TREASURED. A PLACE AWAY FROM THE CITY.     IMAGE MANIPULATION   The photo was taken at the Province of Aurora year 2017. The photo was taken in a panoramic shot and was captured by the … Continue reading Image Manipulation | AWAY FROM THE CITY

Amazon Go: The Lunch Rush of the Future

Customers hesitate when passing through the turnstiles at Seattle’s new Amazon Go store, as if they’re about to be transported into another dimension. They hesitate even more when leaving. One can hardly blame them. In what’s being billed as a fully automated, cashier-free shop, Amazon hopes to create the most convenient of convenience stores, a place … Continue reading Amazon Go: The Lunch Rush of the Future

Do cellphones cause cancer? Maybe, in some rats, anyway

Do cellphones cause cancer? The latest studies from the federal government show that maybe, at the highest doses for the longest periods of time, cellphone radiation might cause one type of cancer in rats. But that probably does not translate to people, experts agreed. It’s a hotly debated topic, and the National Toxicology Program, which … Continue reading Do cellphones cause cancer? Maybe, in some rats, anyway

Introducing The LG CLOi Robots

Image: LG Last year at CES, LG introduced a bunch of new robots because, as near as we could tell, LG figured that robots were cool so they'd better make some robots or something. The most photogenic (and smallest) was Hub, which bore a striking resemblance to Jibo, but we also met two burly service robots … Continue reading Introducing The LG CLOi Robots


 Hey! it's me Dale. For This Week, I will share the second part of my Work Immersion blog. What is Work Immersion? Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for graduation. A Senior High School student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s post secondary goal. Through Work Immersion, the students are … Continue reading WORK IMMERSION (PART 2): THE 80 HOURS EXPERIENCE

PROJECT LINDA: Experience the Best of Both Worlds

Every year, PC maker Razer provides one of CES's big highlights by showcasing one or more inventive concept pieces. These have ranged from modular desktops to triple-screen laptops, and while most of these will never move past the prototype stage, it's still fun to see people thinking innovatively about how to break free from traditional designs. … Continue reading PROJECT LINDA: Experience the Best of Both Worlds


The YouTube star Logan Paul has apologised and deleted a video of him and his friends discovering a body in Japan's so-called suicide forest. The Aokigahara forest has developed a reputation as a site where many Japanese people have killed themselves. In the video, released late last month, Paul and his friends were planning to camp … Continue reading WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR A VLOG?