THE POWER OF “C” ( DOST Scholarship Examination Experience)

Time is up! Close your test booklets. Words I feared as a DOST Scholarship Examinee.

The DOST-SEI Merit Scholarship Program, formerly known as the NSDB or NSTA Scholarship under RA No. 2067, is awarded to students with high aptitude in science and mathematics and are willing to pursue careers in the fields of science and technology.

To be eligible under the Merit program, the student applicant must be: natural-born Filipino citizen, member of the top five percent of the graduating class for non-Stem strand and all are eligible to apply under the Stem strand, of good moral character and good health, and qualifier of the 2018 S&T scholarship examination.
Qualifiers can choose from among 71 science and engineering courses available, such as agribusiness management, medical technology, and marine biology.

Hey! it’s me, Dale and I am lucky to be one of the senior high students who took the DOST Scholarship Examination last October 15, 2017 (Sunday). I wrote this Blog to share my experience and the power of the Four (4) C’s that I’ve took in the past amplitude examination.

A photo shared in Buhay STEM students’ Facebook page.

THE POWER OF CHANCE. To provide all the documents needed to file the application form was quite stressing, but Lao Tzu once said “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” In this case, I took the opportunity to take the exam.

THE POWER OF CANDIES. A less than an hour  is inadequate for me to answer a subtest and opening a bag of chips needs a minute or two. So a pocket full of candies helped me to deal with hunger without wasting a lot of time.

THE POWER OF CHRIST. My secret in all test that I’ve took is the power of Christ, Faith and Prayer. For nothing will be impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)

POWER OF CONFIDENCE. The law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. Be positive! Bring out the Confidence!

Pass or Fail, what important for me is that I’ve learned a lesson and that is God has better plans than myself, better than what I’ve dreamed of.




* The posts featured above was shared in Buhay STEM Students’ Facebook Page.

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